Students following Jesus together.

Grades 6-12

This ministry exists to walk alongside students and their families as they follow Jesus. We are constantly working to connect students to Jesus, help them grow deeper in relationship with Jesus, and equip them to impact the world with Jesus. We do that primarily through groups and classes which you can read more about below!

Visit our LinkTree page to learn how to sign up for email updates & texting!

Student Classes & Groups

Sunday Mornings

During Phase 2 of the REACH Initiative, Youth will meet at 11:11 AM from April 7 to August 11

Grow deeper in your knowledge of the Bible through our Sunday morning teaching time and discussions. We meet in the Family Life Center and split by Middle School and High School after that.

Middle School students meet in rm.146

High School students meet in rm. 150

Registration is not required.
NOTE: Normal Sunday classes are at 9:45 AM, but we are temporarily changing to 11:11 AM to support the REACH Initiative.

Sunday Nights

6:00-7:30 PM

During the school year we meet on Sunday nights for small groups and to share a meal together. We believe that groups are crucial to our growth in Jesus -- so don't miss this! Groups are split by age and gender.

High School groups meet weekly.

Middle School groups meet on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month.

Sunday night groups run during the school year. 
Registration is not required.

Our 2024 Calendar is coming. Please watch for updates!



A 4-week series on Generosity

Have you ever seen one of those 'random acts of kindness' that tend to trend online? Maybe someone gives a stranger an envelope full of cash of the keys to a free car. Maybe they pay off all their bills or cover their college tuition. While these moments of "over the top" generosity can be inspiring, they're not things most of us will ever bein a position to give away. Bit if we can't give away any brand new cars, what can we give that would make a difference in the world?

In this four-week series, we will see what the book of 1 Thessalonians shows us about loving others through what we can give. We'll discover how to make a big difference by being generous with our time, being generous by sharing the good news, being generous by caring for each other and being generous with our encouragement.


Wednesday, June 5 to Saturday, June 8 from 6:00-9:00 PM

Supernova will be a memorable and powerful week for Middle Schoolers to have fun, build friendships, and take their next steps with Jesus!

Students (entering grades 6-9) will gather at the church three of the four evenings for engaging teaching, food, all kinds of games, prizes, and more! On the last night of Supernova, students will head off campus for a surprise end-of-week celebration!

Supernova will be June 5-8 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM each night at Worthington Christian Church, with the exception of Saturday. Since our plans for Saturday are a surprise, the exact times for that day will be announced soon.
NOTE: The cost to register before May 6 is $20/student. After May 6, it is $30/student. Don't wait! Register today!

Special Event for High School students:


Located on college campuses across the nation, MOVE provides a program for 30,000 high school students every summer. Students are challenged through intense, interactive worship, dynamic preaching, small group study and community building.

Students at MOVE not only learn and worship together – they spend quality time with their church youth groups, discovering ways that God will use them to impact the world.

MOVE is more than just another conference or camp – it’s an experience! It’s an all-inclusive event providing food, lodging, recreational activities and an amazing program. Adult leaders are provided small group materials prior to the event, and then meet with CIY staff each morning to go over each day’s lesson. And MOVE curriculum is made available to all groups after the event. This includes curriculum that will take your students deeper into MOVE’s theme for four more weeks.

MOVE is committed to helping students take their mountaintop experiences beyond the event by challenging them to become Kingdom workers. To encourage that commitment, each student has the opportunity to open a Kingdom Worker Card on the last day of MOVE. On that card is a challenge to complete something over the next year, no matter how difficult the task. Click here to learn more about Kingdom workers.

CIY MOVE is Monday, June 24 to Saturday, June 29!

The early bird cost for MOVE is $300/student before February 28; includes transportation, lodging and food at the event. After February 28, the cost is $350/student. After April 30 the cost is $400, so register early!  There is a $50 deposit required at the time of registration.

Please contact Mary Anne Lashuk or Will Haussler if you would like to be added to our wait list!

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