Worthington Christian Church has sought to REACH the community surrounding us for over 45 years. In that time, we have seen a lot of growth in the community around us and massive developments to the technology that we use each and every day. With all that change, we felt compelled to take a hard look at ourselves — or, more specifically, our building, property and technology — and ask:

  • Are we meeting the needs of our congregation and community with our current space?
  • Can we do better? If so, in what way?
  • How would potential changes better help us to FOLLOW JESUS TOGETHER?

As always, our first step was to seek guidance from God through prayer. Those prayers led us to more serious discussions, collaborations and research.

Today, we feel confident in this: we need to invest in our facilities, property and technology so that we may continue to serve God’s Kingdom, you, your family and our community.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

--Ephesians 3:20-21
When was the last time you renovated your home? Five years ago? Ten? It’s been 30 years since we last updated the Worship Center. That’s right — the Worship Center looks pretty much the same as it did in 1993 and it is time for us to “re-envision” that space.

The following facility updates would allow us to continue to REACH our community and serve current members and their families as we Follow Jesus Together:

  • Create a more dedicated and engaging space for our Middle School, High School and College-age ministries
  • Redesign and improve the functionality of the Kids Worship space
  • Install new seating in the Worship Center to accommodate more families
  • Repurpose the choir loft
  • Update & redesign the stage to be more functional
  • Update audio, video and lighting capabilities
We are keenly aware of the explosive population growth in Delaware County, and the likelihood of additional growth with the Intel plant currently being built in central Ohio. We need to look ahead to the future and think about how we can be intentional in reaching our growing community.

Over the last few years, some serious discussion has taken place about the possibility of planting a satellite location north of us in Delaware County. These plans are only in the very early stages of consideration, but it is a possibility that we ask you and your family to pray about.
Now that we are live streaming our worship services every week, we need to understand and celebrate that our church has a new front door.

While it is always our primary desire for everyone to come together, in-person, to worship each and every Sunday, we understand this isn’t always possible. Many people are only able to engage with us online due to illness, injury or vacation plans, while others watch the stream as a means to simply get to know us better.

Understanding that reality has influenced a lot of thoughtful prayer and discussion, which led us to the conclusion that we must stay up-to-date with technology to REACH everyone, everywhere.

The REACH Initiative

Perhaps the best way to learn more about the REACH Initiative is to watch our message from February 5, 2023. During that Sunday morning message, Jay and Lee discussed the vision that led to REACH, our preliminary plans and goals, as well as the financial side of the project.

If you have any questions, please let us know by completing the form at the bottom of this page.

REACH Update

February 4, 2024

Phase 2 will be completed by August 11!

Phase 2 of the REACH Initiative began in April and we're on track for returning to the Worship Center on Sunday, August 11! The primary purpose of Phase 2 is to remodel the Worship Center with new (and more) seating, updated A/V technology and lighting, improved stage, and (of course!) apply a fresh coat of paint and new flooring throughout!

All of these updates will require a lot of demolition and extensive HVAC work before anything new can be installed or old systems updated, but it won't be long before the Worship Center is complete and we're able to return to that space for Sunday worship!

Thank you to each and every one of you for your prayers, patience and support over the last year since the REACH Initiative was first announced! You have truly been amazing and we are so grateful for you.

Regular updates about the progress of Phase 2 will be posted on our social media accounts -- Facebook, Instagram and Twitter/X. Please be sure to subscribe/follow to say up-to-date!

What will returning to the Worship Center look like?

Some great renovations have been done (and continue to be done) in our Worship Center since Phase 2 of the REACH Initiative began in April 2024. We have updated the HVAC, lighting, audio, and video, updated the stage, repurposed the Choir Loft into additional seating, and built wing walls for easier access to the stage. Currently, we are a few days away from finishing the paint and installing new flooring. The last update will be to install the new stadium-style seating, which we expect to be done by the first week of August. (Did you know that the new seating will offer more cushion and allow you to fold the armrests up if you need more room?)

With all these changes, our Worship Center will hold approximately 350 more seats, bringing the capacity up to 1,000. The addition of 350 more seats is like adding an extra worship service! With all the improvements to the Worship Center, we have been giving a lot of thought and prayer about what worship will look like once we return on Sunday, August 11. We keep returning to how good it feels to worship together in the Youth Center due to proximity and how difficult it will be for that feeling to carry over into the expanded Worship Center when we are so distant from each other due to all that extra space!

Therefore, beginning Sunday, August 11, we are changing our worship times from 8:30, 9:45, and 11:11 AM to 9:00 and 10:30 AM. 

These new times require adjusting our normal rhythms, but the change will have many long-term benefits.

  • Our Worship Center will comfortably seat 1,000 people. As previously stated, the intimacy and energy of worshiping in the Youth Center has been amazing, and we want to carry that same energy into the Worship Center. 
  • The new times may even out our Kids' Ministry programming. We currently have a significant attendance bubble at 9:45 AM for Kids' programming that we would like to see even out. Moving to 9:00 and 10:30 AM services means families attending the 9:45 AM service would have to make the most significant adjustment. Our hope is that both hours will see close to an equal number of kids once the transition to two worship services occurs.
  • Our 8:30 service is our most streamed service. Our online campus has become our new front door, and many people attend worship for the first time from the comfort of their living room. By having a 9:00 AM service, we will still have an early service with minimal disruption to our streaming.
  • These times will help with family schedules. Looking back over the last decade, much of our later programming has seen the least attendance, while our other two services have seen the most growth. Family schedules are changing, and we need to change with them.
  • More time between services means more time for the parking lot to clear out OR for friends to socialize between services. We know parking can be challenging with only 15 minutes between services, especially if a service runs long or you see someone you haven't chatted with for a while. We get it. That's why we included additional time between services to allow for a more relaxed transition between services. 

We can't tell you how excited we are for all of us to return to the Worship Center on Sunday, August 11 at 9:00 and 10:30 AM! We know the change from three worship services to two may be challenging for some, but we see the change as something positive for our church family as we live out our vision to Follow Jesus Together. And be sure to join us on Sunday, August 18, for our REACH Celebration Sunday!

Floor Plans

Below are the screenshots from the most recent floor plans for the building remodel. These plans are NOT final and are subject to change as the project evolves. We will update with revised floorplans as often as possible if necessary.
Current floor plans as of December 2022.

Concept Art

REACH Initiative Phase 1 Photos

How can I contribute?

Our vision to FOLLOW JESUS TOGETHER has always been about engaging our relationship with Jesus and others. For that vision to become a reality, our engagement is vital. Join us on this journey! The Lord has use for all of us. Ask Him how He can use you, and engage.


A lot has been discussed on this webpage and we know that for many people, change can be uncomfortable. We ask for grace and patience as we commit to the REACH Initiative together and hope that you will join us in prayer over the coming months.


The “together” part of FOLLOW JESUS TOGETHER includes everyone — you, your family, and our community. As you know, there are a lot of people in our community who are yet to know Jesus and we need to re-envision our space to better REACH them. One of the best ways to support REACH is to make a financial commitment to the initiative.

Contact Us

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