Sunday's Message
Videos are usually uploaded by Monday of every week (but sometimes they’re available sooner). If a video is late it is likely due to illness and/or holiday schedule. This page will be updated with the latest video as soon as it becomes available.
Message Archive
Running from God
Fulfilled: Jesus in Exodus
Finding Peace
A Seat at the Table
NextGen Sunday
What's Next
REACH Dedication & Celebration
Summer in the Son, Vol. 4
Lasting Legacy
When Your Way Isn't Working
Easter Changes Everything
How to REACH Your Neighbor
Looking Back, Looking Forward
Good News, Great Joy
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
Livin' the Dream
Summer in the Son
Winning the War in Your Mind
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Want to learn more about us but not quite ready to visit us in-person? No problem! We livestream our worship services every Sunday morning at 9:00 and 10:30 AM over at our online campus -- Join us!
(NOTE: Service times may change due to special events or holidays. All of our services are recorded and livestreamed.)
(NOTE: Service times may change due to special events or holidays. All of our services are recorded and livestreamed.)
Recommended Reading
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry
In his book, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, author John Mark Comer presents a fascinating roadmap to staying emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in the chaos of the modern world.
Winning the War in Your Mind
Drawing upon Scripture and the latest findings of brain science, Craig Groeschel lays out practical strategies that will free you from the grip of harmful, destructive thinking and enable you to live the life of joy and peace that God intends you to live.
Not a Fan
Fans want to be close enough to Jesus to get all the benefits, but not so close that it requires sacrifice, while followers are all in and completely committed to Christ. In Kyle Idleman's book, Not a Fan, readers are given the tools needed to determine exactly where they stand when it comes to their relationship with Jesus.
Core 52
Respected Bible professor and teaching pastor Mark E. Moore developed Core 52 as a process for helping people grow deeper in God’s Word. Each week features a brief essay, memory verse, Bible story, trajectory verses, and practical ways to put what you’ve learned into practice.
Switch on Your Brain
We all want to be more at peace, to be happier and healthier, but we often don't know how to go about it. Everything we try seems to fall short of true change. Dr. Caroline Leaf knows that we cannot change anything until we change our thinking.
Evidence That Demands a Verdict
Bringing historical documentation and the best modern scholarship to bear on the trustworthiness of the Bible and its teachings, Evidence that Demands a Verdict has encouraged and strengthened millions. Now, with his son Sean McDowell, Josh McDowell has updated and expanded this classic resource for a new generation.
Anxious for Nothing
We all experience anxiety, but we don’t have to let worry and fear control our lives. Anxious for Nothing, from author, Max Lucado, provides a roadmap for coping with and healing from anxiety.
Unshakable Hope
Whether it’s heart disease or cancer, job failure or addiction, natural disasters or family disasters, mass murders or mental illness, there are so many reasons to be overwhelmed and hope can feel hard to come by. Max Lucado unpacks 12 of the Bible’s most significant promises, equipping you to overcome difficult circumstances by keeping your focus on the hope found in the promises of Scripture.
Sabbath Keeping
In her book, Sabbath Keeping, Lynne Baab explains how sabbath recalls our creation, and with it, God's satisfaction with us as he made us, without our hurried wrangling and harried worrying. It also recalls God's deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt, and with it, God's ability to do completely what we cannot complete in ourselves. Sabbath keeping reminds us that we are free to rest each week.
Live in Grace, Walk in Love
Built on Bob Goff's trademark storytelling and unique way of helping us to see things in a new light, Live in Grace, Walk in Love weaves together personal stories with timeless scripture, taking you through an entire calendar year of meditations on stepping out in love and confidence in every aspect of your life. Each of the 365 daily devotionals center around a key scripture and combine Bob's thoughtful analysis and a thought-provoking question that you can reflect on throughout the day.
The Art of Neighboring
Once upon a time, people knew their neighbors. They talked to them, had cook-outs with them, and went to church with them. In our time of unprecedented mobility and increasing isolationism, it's hard to make lasting connections with those who live right outside our front door. We have hundreds of "friends" through online social networking, but we often don't even know the full name of the person who lives right next door.
The Inner Voice of Love
"This book is my secret journal," Henri J. M. Nouwen wrote. At first he had no intention of sharing this personal diary of the difficult months when he felt all meaning in his life was missing and all ahead seemed a dark, bottomless abyss. In spite of his inner turmoil, Nouwen recorded the descent into his heart in these 63 journal entries. Friends persuaded him that sharing his painful soul-searching might help others who also struggle to embrace life with joy.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Day by Day
We all struggle to find daily time to be with God for the nourishment of our souls. This groundbreaking devotional is your key to resting fully in the awareness of his presence, increasing your self-knowledge, and growing deeper, closer to God. Each day, Peter Scazzero invites you to the ancient and yet powerful spiritual discipline of the Daily Office, the practice of pausing morning and evening to reflect on God's work in your life.
When you’ve been transformed by God’s love, you can’t help but want others to experience the same grace and freedom. But how do you share it without scaring them away or offending them? For most Christians, “evangelism” is an intimidating word that suggests handing out tracts to strangers or doing other awkward things. Dave and Jon Ferguson have found five simple, straightforward practices that will allow any believer to do just that. And by consistently living them out, you can affect not just individual lives but your entire neighborhood and community—one person at a time.
Practicing the Way
We are constantly being formed by the world around us. To be formed by Jesus will require us to become his apprentice. To live by what the first Christian disciples called a Rule of Life—a set of practices and relational rhythms that slow us down and open up space in our daily lives for God to do what only God can do—transforms the deepest parts of us to become like him.
The Toxic War on Masculinity
How did the idea arise that masculinity is dangerous and destructive? Bestselling author Nancy Pearcey leads you on a fascinating excursion through American history to discover why the script for masculinity turned toxic—and how to fix it.