
Growing children in Christ

Birth to 5th grade

If you're like most parents, you have probably wondered, "Are my kids really growing in their faith?"

You're not the first parent to ask yourself that and you won't be the last. As a Kids Ministry, we also have to ask ourselves, "How do we do that?"

A child growing in their faith is the "big win" for you as a parent and us as a ministry. It's the one thing that we, as a ministry team (and you as a parent), want to achieve. As we develop curriculum and special events throughout the year, the goal of growing a child's faith is what we keep in mind at all times.

So, what is our definition of the "big win?" It is when a child takes a step toward owning their faith.

We say "take a step" for a reason. Spiritual growth isn't like school where you attend class for two semesters and move up a grade the following year. This is a life-long journey and no two journeys are identical. We win anytime a child takes a single step closer to owning their own faith.

Owning Your Faith

To encourage a child to own their own faith we must first teach them four spiritual habits:

  • Spend time with God. This means opening the Bible on their own, having conversations with God on their own, and/or discovering how they best connect with God through worship on their own.
  • Spend time with others. Engaging in healthy community can, and should, be a spiritual habit we help our kids develop. This is about growing in Christlike relationships with everyone.
  • Use your gifts. Kids need to know that God made them unique and special with really specific gifts, talents, passions and resources. And they need to be encouraged to use these gifts to love God, love others and influence the world around them.
  • Share your story. Kids need to learn how to talk about God with others. Sharing your story is a spiritual habit of making faith a regular topic of conversation in their lives.

We count it as a win whenever a kid takes a step toward owning their faith by practicing one, or maybe even all four, of these spiritual habits.

Sunday Mornings

9:45 & 11:11 AM


For the first 2+ years of life, we focus on making a child’s and parent’s experience at church a positive and safe one! We offer our nursery at 9:45 and 11:11 AM.


During the Sunday morning services at 9:45 and 11:11 AM we offer a preschool ministry where kids can learn about Jesus at their level.

Elementary (K-5th grade)

Kids (K-5th grade) will meet for fun, engaging and kid-friendly worship services during the Sunday morning services at 9:45 and 11:11 AM.
NOTE: We offer a soundproof cry room (located in the back of the Worship Center) that parents can use if they want to keep young children with them during services.

Security & Your Child

We take the security of the children in our care very seriously. Parents, please stop by the Checkpoint Station at the entrance to the Education Wing and we will create a name badge for your child and assign them to the appropriate class. From there we can direct you to that class or answer any questions that you may have.

What is Checkpoint?
Checkpoint is a computerized check-in system for those children attending our Sunday morning Bible classes. Checkpoint produces name badges/security tags for each individual child who attends a class. Name badges/security tags are coded with numbers and are used during the check-in and check-out process to match child and parent. In addition, Checkpoint assigns each child to the appropriate class and prints that information on the child’s name badge along with any allergies, special needs or concerns.

Volunteers & Staff
All volunteers and staff that work in the Kids Ministry are required to undergo a thorough background check before allowing them to teach, or be in contact with, your children.
If you have any questions, please contact Carrie Wiley or Cindy Baker.

Kids Ministry 2023 Calendar

Our current Bible study series:

Go For the Gold

June/July 2024

Every four years, athletes from around the world compete with the dream of living out the Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger.” When we put our trust in God and work in His service, He will give us strength to achieve more than we ever dreamed we could. Making it to the summer games is the ultimate achievement for many athletes around the world. Through the lives of Daniel, Elijah, Joseph, David, and Paul, we will see that the ultimate goal of our lives should be to live a life that honors God.

As we look forward to watching athletes from around the world compete in the upcoming Summer Olympics, kids will being their training in June by learning we need to commit ourselves to God and train our soul like we train our body. As we train to follow Jesus, we will see that God is fast to save us, God is above any challenge and higher than any obstacle, and God is stronger than any problem and gives us His strength.

In July, we will learn through the life of Paul the race we are running with our training and purpose, we are running for the ultimate prize, running the race of faith without hindrances, running with God’s power, and running with perseverance to win the race! It’s going to be a lot of fun in June and July as we Go For the Gold!

Memory verse for the month: “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever." 1 Corinthians 9:24-25

Kids Ministry classes meet at 9:45 and 11:11 AM every Sunday. Questions? Please contact Carrie Wiley.

Moms Night Out!

July 31 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM

Moms of kiddos (birth through elementary school) are invited to join us for a "Moms Night Out" at Olentangy Mini Golf!

Leave the house and join us for a fun mom’s night out at Olentangy Mini Golf on Wednesday, July 31 at 6:00 PM.
Moms are responsible for paying for their own games.

Questions? Please contact Amy Carter.

Summer Camp

Round Lake Christian Camp

Now is a great time to make plans for your son or daughter to attend Summer Camp at Round Lake!

  • 5th & 6th Grade Camp: July 14-19
  • Preschool: August 3

Registration for Summer Camp at Round Lake will begin on Tuesday, March 5 through their website.

45 Crew

Monthly Discipleship Group

Our 45 Crew is on summer break!
We will resume meeting once school begins.

Check for details in late August. Questions? Please contact Cindy Baker.

Vacation Bible School

Our dates for 2025 will be announced soon!

We're hard at work planning for VBS 2025! The dates for VBS week will likely be announced just before Easter 2025 with registration usually starting on Easter Sunday.

We have hosted Vacation Bible School for the kids in our church family and surrounding community for more than twenty years and it is our pleasure and privilege to do so! We are so excited to invite your children back for another fun week of Vacation Bible School in 2025. We will have lots of great Bible lessons, crafts, games, and outdoor activities. All children between the ages of 3 (must be potty trained) and 5th grade are invited to join us for FREE.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to use the form below to contact us.

Volunteer Registration will begin around Easter 2025!

We (literally) can't do VBS without our volunteers! In fact, the number of kids we are able to register for VBS is directly related to how many volunteers we have available during VBS week.

So, if you are available to volunteer during VBS week, please consider signing up. Even if you can only help out for one day, your service is needed.

Stay up-to-date


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